we work to:

  1. Create a common space for campus advocacy and prevention professionals who work to end dating and domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment, and stalking to discuss best practices, challenges, and opportunities to further the field.

  2. Elevate dialogue nationally around the work of campus advocacy and violence prevention professionals, including opportunities for sharing knowledge and centering evidence-based research and practice and social justice frameworks.

  3. Provide support and solidarity for the unique work of professionals serving in these roles within and in partnership with institutions of higher education and promote the sustainability of the individuals who do this work.

  4. Establish a network of professionals who can provide expertise to the field of higher education, state and federal legislators, and other constituents for ongoing efforts to advocate for victims/survivors and prevent interpersonal/gender-based violence on campus.

  5. Establish and promote best practices, including the core competencies needed for professionals working in both survivor/victim advocacy and violence prevention on campus, and develop best practices for training current and future professionals.

We strive to accomplish these goals through work that is both internal and external to our collective including but not limited to:

  • Providing networking opportunities and solidarity

  • Sharing evidence-based and innovative practices

  • Utilizing a website and social media platforms to provide a centralized means for connecting professionals and disseminating information and best practice

  • Establishing core competencies for our growing profession

  • Providing a moderated listerv and opportunities to ask questions of other professionals anonymously

  • Providing presentations at national and regional conferences

  • Establishing liaisons to other professional associations

  • Serving as an umbrella organization to connect regional, state, or other groups to each other

  • Serving as external program reviewers for advocacy/education programs

  • Providing expert feedback on new software programs,training, etc.

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